The History of Sex: The Original G-Spot Article--Part 2 of 6

Although female erotism has been discussed for many centuries or even thousands of years, the problems of female satisfaction are not yet solved.

Even though female doctors (Helena Wright) participate in these discussions nowadays, "the eternal woman" is still under discussion.

The solution of the problem would be better furthered, if the sexologists know exactly what they are talking about. The criteria for sexual satisfaction have first to be fixed before we make comparisons.

Numerous "frigid" women enjoy thoroughly all the different phases of "necking." Should we count out all variations of sex practices which result in complete orgasm though not vaginal orgasm?

Innumerable erotogenic spots are distributed all over the body, from where sexual satisfaction can be elicited; these are so many that we can almost say that there is no part of the female body which does not give sexual response, the partner has only to find the erotogenic zones.

It is not frigidity, if the wife does not reach orgasm in intercourse with her husband, but finds it in sexual relations with another partner.

One of my patients, who married early a very much older, rich man and had two children, pestered me persistently with questions as to why she could not experience an orgasm.

I explained that physically there was nothing wrong with her.

Bored by the repeated discussions with her, I finally asked her, if she had tried sex relations with another male partner.

No, was the answer and reflectively she left my office.

The next day in the middle of the night, I was awakened by a telephone call and a familiar voice who did not give her name asked: "Doctor are you there? You are right," and hung up the receiver with a bang!

I never had to answer any further sexual questions from her.

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