The History of Sex: Istanbul -- Consorting With a Lady of the Night -- (Chap. II, Pt. 22)

'Are you going to ask the price so we can leave or what?' Mehmet asks.

He's chawed his way through the popcorn, the olives and the pickles—and he's starting on the mixed nuts. I think he's worried about his waistline.

As I leave the table, I'm absurdly self-conscious about approaching the prostitutes, not only because I look like a seedy sex tourist but because it's akin to standing up and declaring, 'I'm JR, and I have to pay women to sleep with me.'

Not like anybody in here would care, of course. I'd probably win a round of supportive, AA-style applause from my fellow losers.

The blonde is beckoning me to cross the threshold out of the darkness into the disco lights. For some reason, it reminds me of a vampire inviting a victim into its lair.

Turns out I'm not far wrong: 'Florentina' is Romanian.

'Hi, um, my friend likes you, but he's shy,' I say, thinking 'How lame is that?'

Aside from the fact that I've just made Mehmet heterosexual, it's like I'm back in school, only the message I'm supposedly relaying has a decidedly adult edge: My friend thinks you're, like, really cute, and, um, he wants to know if he can screw you for money. 

'One hour, $100. Two hours, $150,' she shouts over the din.

Grinning inanely to cover my embarrassment—I wasn't consorting with a lady of the night, I was simply asking her the time of day!—I report back to Mehmet. 

'No wonder they don't do any business,' he scoffs.

I take that to mean it's not enough to turn a profit. Call me a sucker, but 150 bucks doesn't seem much for letting a stranger ram his anatomy in you for two hours.

And that's without factoring in the risk of being locked in a room with a hardcore deviant or serial killer.

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